“Recruitment has changed; it is now a candidate’s market.” – A bold statement?


Whilst my week has progressed I came across an interesting Recruitment Leader who felt that the market is no longer a place where having the most prestigious clients and vacancies is what gives you the edge, rather it is now a world where a large part is led by recruitment tactics and talent attraction action plans, as candidates can be scarce.

I have compiled a list of 5 recruitment strategies consisting of some methodical and leading staffing and recruiting methods. If you want to be among the elite, you should select a handful for implementation. However, even if you are currently overwhelmed by your current agenda, you might still find them to be an interest read.

  1. Hire more productive employees— The best way to measure how a talent management function is performing is looking at the productivity of the company’s workforce. Recruitments contribution to productivity is the ability to bring in new and better talent who can bring on new revenue streams and hire levels of output. This is known as the quality of hire, and unfortunately, solving the problem 9 times out of 10 is out of the pay grade of most recruiting leaders.
  1. Prioritising jobs for hiring— Managers need to determine the impact of each and every role in its job family and then prioritise hiring and recruiting to those high-impact jobs. A variation of methods are used to determine the necessity of the role such as generation of revenue, overall output through to operational capability. Working alongside the financial department is a god way to benchmark a roles impact on the firm.
  1. Develop targeted hiring programs— Develop a strong and specific ability to home in on, and increase the number of high-value-added innovators and adaptive/strategic individuals that are hired can have an immediate and measurable impact on revenue and profits
  1. Referrals reach 50% — As more companies gather data within their own corporation on the quality of hires that results from employee referrals, their recruiting leaders will realize that they should improve their referral program’s capability and then target 50 percent of all hires to come from referrals. This also comes from a pleasant interview process and headhunting experience for the unsuccessful candidates, as they too will feel comfortable referring former colleagues, friends or even family.
  1. Ramping up your hiring capability— Over the last couple decades a hiring boom has already begun in high tech, the mobile platform industry, and at Internet firms, so now may be the opportune time for the recruiting functions in other industries to begin preparing for the inevitable coming hiring boom. That means that leaders must develop a plan to rapidly ramp up your firm’s hiring capacity and capability, without additional budget.

Avi Kasmir

Consultant Specialist